Monday, June 30, 2014

Beacon Bible Camp

We spent last week at Beacon Bible Camp , where Dan was the speaker. The week we were there was for Junior High aged children.  I stayed with Hannah and Sarah in a nice camper, and Dan, Melissa, Daniel, and Joshua stayed in another room.

Breakfast at the cafeteria.

We all enjoyed getting to play in the game room.

The game room had actually been the old chapel. It was made from the top of an old barn that was painted white inside. I thought it was pretty.

Playing in the camper.

The children enjoyed going down to the creek one day to throw stones in the water. It was a beautiful day, as you can see.

This is the entrance to the camp.

The children really had a good time at camp.

One of the things the children enjoyed at camp were the 'chariots' they could be pulled around in.

Good morning, Daniel!

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