Monday, February 3, 2014

Just Some Pictures

                  Some of these pictures are a little old, and might not necessarily be in order : )

Cory and Keri and our family got our Christmas trees at the same tree farm. It had snowed, so it was just beautiful there.

I think Anna thought it felt funny touching the pine needles!   

In the back of Grandpa's truck for some pictures...
She must have been wondering why Grandpa was lying down and holding her up there : )

Our snowplowing crew

Ben loves getting to push the snow around - I think it's his favorite thing about the snow!

Ready to go hunting with Dad : )

We had an outside picnic in December, in the woodshed.

Dad cooking our hotdogs in the woodstove

Just a funny picture : )  The 'fur muff' is actually Dad's coyote skin.

This is one of the luminaries I made for Christmas Eve.

We enjoyed having some of the Graybill's at our house after the Christmas Eve Service.

This is Smudge looking in the window! The two cats had started out as house cats before they were given to us, so they think they should be inside when it's cold outside : )

Cory wore this outfit for his first Christmas

Mom working on a flannel rag quilt for Ben.

Working on a puzzle together

Uncle Ben is a fun uncle to have : )

It snowed a good bit today. It was a wet snow, so it stayed on the trees. Isn't it beautiful?

Do you see the kitty?

Working on school. It looks like Anna wants to try doing some!

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