Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Here at the .... Marasco's!

Playing " Find the Baby and Mama" with Sarah

Working on school

The children enjoyed making 'sugar pies' with an extra pie crust.
They each had their own pie tin and enjoyed putting in the
pie crusts. Daniel's pie had his handprint in it when he was done : )

We also made pumpkin and apple pies.
The sun cast this shadow from the cross on the window next
to  the verse on the clock. Isn't it perfect?

Reading with MomMom before quiet time.

Playing the "Cookie Game". Daniel loved the rotten egg card, and was
happy to sit and play with just that card in front of him : )

Watching Daddy tilling the garden

The children have enjoyed playing in these cardboard boxes this week.

Helping MomMom

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