Friday, June 28, 2013

Spending Time With the Marasco's

Out at the pond....

I think everyone enjoyed feeding the fish.

Sarah liked holding the frogs we had hatched from tadpoles.

These look like happy girls!

What a big boy!

Hannah, Sarah, and Daniel did a good job helping feed the baby goat!

Daniel found a cozy spot on Grandma Hackenberger's swing

Ben liked the time he got to spend with Dan, especially playing football.

Hannah and Sarah enjoyed spending time with Aunt Julia.

Ben and Julia played in the pond until it was time to go to the Graybill's for a hayride.

Anna was all bundled up for her first hayride!

We met Uncle Rich and gave him supper while we were on the hayride.

Angela and Rich enjoyed the ride together.

So did Dan and Melissa.

We also stopped and saw Michael and Trisha's new house.

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