Friday, November 22, 2013

Misc. Pictures

We celebrated our Thanksgiving early this year, on Nov. 9th.

The Graybill's and our family got together with Steve and Marsha Freed for an evening together before they move. We'll miss seeing them at church.

Aunt Tonda enjoyed playing with her grandchildren at the sewing day last week.

This is the second year the Hackenberger ladies have gotten together to work on sewing school kit bags. It's a fun day, and we get something useful done at the same time.

My cousin Angie and her little girl, Grace.

The finished bags.

Great, Big Things

I thought Daniel might enjoy seeing some these 'great' machines : )

Getting a trench dug to replace a pipe that got clogged by willow tree roots.

This isn't a machine, but I thought you might like to see the great big tree that blew over in the pasture.

Do you see the combine coming?

It was pretty dry when Dad first started harvesting, so sometimes it was really dusty!

Hunting and Trapping

Dad and Ben have been enjoying hunting and trapping this year.
So far, they've gotten 8 raccoons and 5 opossums.

Dad got a turkey at the Graybill's place this week. 

More Pictures of Anna

Anna is such a happy girl!

It's hard to believe how old Anna is already!

Ben got his remote-controlled dump truck out to show Anna...

...and even drove the opossum around on it for her : )

Grandpa's girl!

All bundled up to go home