Thursday, May 16, 2013

Just Some Pictures

We thought Keri and Anna's pink shirts would  look pretty with the crab apple tree background!

Here's Grandma and Anna.

Mother's Day

While Ben was weed whacking around the chicken houses, he found this baby
bunny, so he caught it with a net and brought it up to show us.  We thought it
would be fun to keep it, but ended up letting it go in a hay field.

Dad is getting ready to put up another grain bin.
 Here he, Cory and Ben are pouring the pad for it.

Smoothing out the concrete.

Dad has just started planting the corn.

It looks like we have another finch nest in our hanging pot this year. We brought all the ferns under our carport so they wouldn't get frosted, and the next morning we saw the mother bird perched on one of the empty pot chains, wondering where her nest could have gone.  I made sure I put it back for her quickly : )

Two baby birds in our bird box. It looks like he's hungry!

Shhh...  I think it's nap time.  Aren't the kittens getting big?

This nest is on the ground in the garden, between a couple blackberry stalks.  Since I weeded the garden, I think the mother bird got scared away, but it's still pretty to look at.  

The perennials are coming back!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

New Kittens!

These are the new kittens at our house.  They are in the goat pen,
under the creep feeder. Don't worry, the goats can't get to them!

You can't see them all in this picture, but there are 5 kittens.

I pulled a kitten out to look at, and just that quick, Sadie, the mother
was there to take it back where it belonged!   Do you see her carrying
 the kitten in her mouth?

She's making sure the kitten comes the whole way in.

Now they are all in their 'nest' again.